The Ultimate Guide to Potentially Maximize your YouTube Video Marketing


YouTube – It’s one of the best internet websites ever created. In fact, YouTube is the fourth most globally visited website on a daily basis. But, what does YouTube have to do with video marketing?

The interactive nature of YouTube is why it has garnered such a high popularity amongst internet users of all ages. The key to success of YouTube is that not only can people upload videos, but they can leave comments as well. Additionally, a feature of the site is the ability to upload “response videos” to ones which were uploaded by others.

Customers do not go to YouTube to see commercials. YouTube will also block videos that are obvious attempts at selling something through commercials. It’s easy to create a video on YouTube. But, what’s hard is to create a video marketing piece for YouTube that hides the fact that you are marketing with video.

One of the best ways to get your video presentation on YouTube to become a highly effective video marketing piece is to produce either a video that is informative or one that is fun. Let’s look at a couple of examples:

Informative: You manufacture and sell shoe polish; for a video marketing piece, you can produce a video that teaches the best ways to get that military mirror shine on your shoes. Of course, throughout the video, your brand of polish is being used and is mentioned as the choice of the instructor due to its being the best available for such an application.

Fun: You distribute novelty ties and underwear; for YouTube video marketing, you can produce a video that portrays a man dressed only in his underwear and neckties conducting a “man on the street” type of interview. The man mentions that he got the underwear from your website; he does so casually and off-handedly and only a couple of time during the video.

As you can see, the incorporation of a video marketing message in a YouTube video is easily accomplished with a little creativity.

YouTube video promotion online can be the most effective when the strategy includes viral video marketing as a core element. The best way to get your video marketing piece to go viral is to get people talking about it after they see it.

This often means doing something in the video that is so unexpected or catchy to the memory that it will stay with people long after they have left the website. They will feel compelled to share it with their friends.